GLYN Denmark
GLYN, your knowledgable Distributor
Since our company was founded in 1980 we have been specialists for high-tech microelectronics from leading manufacturers.
It is our company philosophy to combine innovative products from our suppliers with excellent service:
- fair market prices
- prompt and reliable quotes
- qualified application support
- an excellent stock profile
- quick delivery
- DIN ISO9001 quality assurance
We are always open to your questions and suggestions. Please give us a call!
Vi er specialister i high-tech microelectronics fra førende leverandører, og det har vi været lige siden vores virksomhed blev gundlagt i 1980.
Det er vores mission at kombinere innovative produkter fra vores leverandører med excellent service:
- attraktive priser
- korte svartider
- kvalificeret applikations-support
- den rette lagerprofil
- hurtig levering
- DIN ISO9001 kvalitets-certificeret
Vi er altid åbne overfor dine forslag og spørgsål. Kontakt os !

GLYN Denmark:
GLYN GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Slotsmarken 18
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Tel. +45 2462 2225